Outputting specific formats in Ray
#Working with JSON
Want to display the JSON representation of anything you'd like in Ray? Use toJson
. You can provide any value that can
be converted to JSON with json_encode.
ray()->toJson(['a' => 1, 'b' => ['c' => 3]]);
The toJson
function can also accept multiple arguments.
// all of these will be displayed in Ray $object = new \stdClass(); $object->company = 'Spatie'; ray()->toJson( ['a' => 1, 'b' => ['c' => 3]], ['d' => ['e' => 5]], $object );
You can send a valid JSON string to Ray with the json
It will be displayed nicely and collapsable in Ray.
$jsonString = json_encode(['a' => 1, 'b' => ['c' => 3]]); ray()->json($jsonString);
The json
function can also accept multiple valid JSON strings.
// all of these will be displayed in Ray ray()->json($jsonString, $anotherJsonString, $yetAnotherJsonString);
#Working with XML
You can send a valid XML string to Ray with the xml
It will be displayed as formatted XML and collapsable in Ray.
$xmlString = '<one><two><three>3</three></two></one>'; ray()->xml($xmlString);
#Working with Carbon instances
Carbon is a popular datetime package. You can send instances of Carbon
to Ray with carbon
ray()->carbon(new \Carbon\Carbon());
#Working with files
You can display the contents of any file in Ray with the file
#Displaying images
To display an image, call the image
function and pass a fully-qualified filename, url, or a valid base64-encoded image as its only argument.
ray()->image('https://placekitten.com/200/300'); ray()->image('/home/user/kitten.jpg'); // display base64-encoded images ray()->image('…truncated'); ray()->image('iVBORw0KGgoAAA…truncated');
#Displaying a link
You can render a clickable link in Ray, by using the link
(or url
) methods.
ray()->link('spatie.be'); // we'll assume that you meant `https://spatie.be` ray()->link('spatie.be', 'Spatie homepage'); // optionally, you can pass a label ray()->url('myray.app'); // `url` is an alias of `link`
#Rendering HTML
To render a piece of HTML directly in Ray, you can use the html
ray()->html('<b>Bold string<b>');
#Displaying text content
To display raw text while preserving whitespace formatting, use the text
method. If the text contains HTML, it will be displayed as-is and is not rendered.
ray()->text('<em>this string is html encoded</em>'); ray()->text(' whitespace formatting' . PHP_EOL . ' is preserved as well.');