
To display something in Ray use the ray() function. It accepts everything: strings, arrays, objects… you name it.


Call Description
ray($variable) Display a string, array or object
ray($variable, $another, …) Ray accepts multiple arguments
ray()->backtrace() Check entire backtrace
ray(…)->blue() Output in blue
ray()->caller() Discover where code is being called
ray()->carbon($carbon) Send Carbon instances to Ray
ray($callable)->catch([$callable, $classname, …]) Handle any exceptions encountered by try
ray()->className($object) Send the classname of an object to Ray
ray()->clearScreen() Clear current screen
ray()->clearAll() Clear current and all previous screens
ray()->confetti() Shoot confetti in the current screen.
ray()->count() Count how many times a piece of code is called
ray()->counterValue(name) Return the value of a named counter
ray(…)->die() or rd(…) Stop the PHP process
ray()->disable() Disable sending stuff to Ray
ray()->disabled() Check if Ray is disabled
ray()->enable() Enable sending stuff to Ray
ray()->enabled() Check if Ray is enabled
ray()->exception($e) Display information about an Exception
ray()->file($path) Display contents of a file
ray(…)->gray() Output in gray
ray(…)->green() Output in green
ray(…)->hide() Display something in Ray and make it collapse immediately
ray()->hideApp() Hide the app
ray()->html($html) Render a piece of HTML
ray()->image($path) Display an image from a path or URL
ray()->if(true, callback) Conditionally show things based on a truthy value or callable
ray()->invade(object)->privateProperty Display the value of a private property or the result of a private method
ray()->json($json, $another, …) Send one or more valid JSON strings to Ray
ray(…)->label($name) Set the label name
ray(…)->large() Output text bigger
ray()->limit(N)->… Limit the number of payloads that can be sent to Ray to N; used for debugging within loops
ray()->link($url, $label = null) Display a clickable URL in Ray
ray()->measure() Display runtime and memory usage. When measure is called again, the time between this and previous call is also displayed
ray()->newScreen() Start a new screen
ray()->newScreen('title') Start a new named screen
ray(…)->notify($message) Display a notification
ray()->once($arg1, …) Only send a payload once when in a loop
ray(…)->orange() Output in orange
ray(…)->pass($variable) Display something in Ray and return the value instead of a Ray instance
ray()->pause() Pause execution
ray()->phpinfo() Display PHP info
ray()->phpinfo($key, $another, …) Display specific parts of PHP info
ray(…)->purple() Output in purple
ray()->rateLimiter()->max(int $maxCalls) Limits the amount of calls sent to Ray
ray()->rateLimiter()->perSecond($maxCalls) Limits the amount of calls sent to Ray in a second
ray()->rateLimiter()->clear() Clears the rate limits
ray()->raw($value) Send raw output of a value to Ray without fancy formatting
ray(…)->red() Output in red
ray()->separator() Add a visual separator
ray()->showApp() Bring the app to the foreground
ray(…)->small() Output text smaller
ray()->table($array, $label) Format an associative array with optional label
ray()->text($string) Display the raw text for a string while preserving whitespace formatting
ray()->toJson($variable, $another, … ) Display the JSON representation of 1 or more values that can be converted
ray()->trace() Check entire backtrace
ray()->url($url, $label = null) Display a clickable URL in Ray
ray()->xml($xmlString) Display formatted XML in Ray

#Updating a Ray instance

Call Description
$ray->large() Update the size of a Ray instance. Use large() or small
$ray->red() Update the color of a Ray instance. Use green(), orange(), red(), blue(),purple() or gray()
$ray->remove() Remove an item from Ray
$ray->removeIf(true) Conditionally remove an item based on a truthy value or callable
$ray->removeWhen(true) Conditionally remove an item based on a truthy value or callable
$ray->send() Update the content of a Ray instance
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