Using Ray in WordPress

There are several ways to install Ray in WordPress.

#Global installation

The easiest ways is the global installation. This will make the ray() function available in any WordPress (and PHP file on your system).

Issue these commands to install the global-ray package:

composer global require spatie/global-ray
global-ray install

You can now use the ray() function and all of its framework agnostic capabilities. In each WordPress app you can also use these functions:

  • dump($variable): dump any kind of variable to the CLI.
  • dd($variable): dump any kind of variable to the CLI and terminate the script.

To use the WordPress specific capabilities of Ray, you should install wordpress-ray into the WordPress app.

#Manually cloning the repo

Inside the wp-contents/plugins directory run this command

git clone

#Installing Ray via the WordPress admin interface

Ray is also registered as a plugin on In the admin section of WordPress, go to "Plugins" > "Add New", and search for "Spatie Ray".


Install and activate the plugin.

#Must use plugins

By default WordPress loads your plugins in the following order:

  • Checks for any must-use plugins directory (default = /wp-content/mu-plugins).
  • Then, if you're running a multisite installation, it checks for plugins that are network-activated and loads those.
  • Then it checks for all other active plugins by looking at the active_plugins entry of the wp_options database table, and loops through those. The plugins will be listed alphabetically.

If you wish to debug your plugins within the Ray app it is recommended that you install the plugin into your /wp-content/mu-plugins directory. Further details on Must Use Plugins can be found here:

To install, inside the wp-content/mu-plugins directory run this command:

git clone

Next, from the just created wordpress-ray directory, run this command:

composer install -o --no-dev

You'll then need to create ray-loader.php within /wp-content/mu-plugins and include the following code:

require WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/wordpress-ray/wp-ray.php';

#Setting the environment variable

When developing locally you should have WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE set as local in your wp-config.php otherwise Ray won't work.

define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'local' );

#Showing queries

You can display all queries that are executed by calling showQueries (or queries).


// somewhere else in your WordPress app
global $wpdb;
$result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'points' AND user_id = '1'");

To stop showing queries, call stopShowingQueries()

#Displaying mails

To show all mails sent in Ray call showMails().


// somewhere else in your WordPress app
wp_mail('', 'my subject', 'the content');

To stop showing mails, call stopShowingMails().

#Displaying WordPress errors

To display all WordPress errors, call showWordPressErrors()


To stop showing errors, call stopShowingWordPressErrors().

#Displaying WordPress hooks

To display all WordPress hooks, call showHooks()


To stop showing hooks, call stopShowingHooks().

#Production environments

By default, Ray is disabled in production environments. If you want to use Ray in a production environment, you must explicitly enable it with ray()->enable().

For more information about using the enable() function, see the framework agnostic docs.

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