Limiting Output

#Limiting the number of sent payloads

To limit the number of payloads sent by a particular ray() call, use the limit function. It works well for debugging loops.

foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
    ray()->limit(3)->text("A #{$i}"); // counts to 3
    ray()->limit(6)->text("B #{$i}"); // counts to 6
    ray()->text("C #{$i}"); // counts to 10

If the argument passed to limit() is a negative number or zero, limiting is disabled.

#Using a rate limiter

A rate limiter can help to reduce the amount of sent messages. This would avoid spamming the desktop app, which can be helpful when using Ray in loops.

Ray::rateLimiter()->max(10); // only 10 messages will be sent
Ray::rateLimiter()->perSecond(10); // only 10 messages per second will be sent

To remove the rate limits again


A message to the desktop app will be sent once to notify the user the rate limit has been reached.

#Sending a payload once

To only send a payload once, use the once function. This is useful for debugging loops.

once() may be called with arguments:

foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
    ray()->once($i); // only sends "1"

You can also use once without arguments. Any function you chain on once will also only be called once.

foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
    ray()->once()->html("<strong>{$i}</strong>"); // only sends "<strong>1</strong>"
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